MadaraUchiha said:
Mansi14 said:
MadaraUchiha said:
Mansi14 said:
I didn't know how to role play either...until star attacked me out of blue :toomad1:
and has nothing to do with managing pirates >_>
I can agree with that

but are you trying to imply that you might get rude with some of crew members sometime?
If yes, then I think that it won't be too big of a problem....I guess?
I see.
But I guess that you have to learn about how to control that.
Not that I am pro or even know a little about that, so nevermind meh >_>
But I guess since you(and me -or anyone else) are not ready for this yet...
we should drop this idea for now....
we will think about it when we get stable...and more crowd in our crew...i guess....