This is why, i do not trust PC Cleaning programs:


Well-known member
So, I chose to format and reinstall my windows.

Everything gone, with nothing on it. Fresh installed.

I installed Advanced System Care. And I ran a scan. Remember, I have no other files than that on my PC.

It still manages to find 10338 problems.

Here take a look:

Remember, I have nothing installed. I reinstalled windows so it's like a new Computer.

So that's why i do not trust these kind of programs :D

First of all,take a look at those problems.
Junk files are created every minute because an application doesn't really care about "free"ing the memory after it's use.In other words,temp files are created every minute :P

For some reason you have too many privacy issues and internet problems.In other words,you didn't clean the cookies stored in your computer somewhere.Every forum has it's own settings for cookies storage and then there is the registry.Modifying the registry isn't a good thing but fragments are created in every we use registry cleaners :P

And this advanced system care will take care of such issues in just one go. I kinda use wise care 365 with this advanced system care and believe me,the performance of my desktop is really great :P (boot up time is just 36 seconds O.O )

So,please don't come to conclusions just like that :P
You too @[smoker] :P
Claraviolet said:

First of all,take a look at those problems.
Junk files are created every minute because an application doesn't really care about "free"ing the memory after it's use.In other words,temp files are created every minute :P

For some reason you have too many privacy issues and internet problems.In other words,you didn't clean the cookies stored in your computer somewhere.Every forum has it's own settings for cookies storage and then there is the registry.Modifying the registry isn't a good thing but fragments are created in every we use registry cleaners :P

And this advanced system care will take care of such issues in just one go. I kinda use wise care 365 with this advanced system care and believe me,the performance of my desktop is really great :P (boot up time is just 36 seconds O.O )

So,please don't come to conclusions just like that :P
You too @[smoker] :P

The thing is Clara, is that if I hit "Repair" button, it will not effect the performance on my computer what so ever since my computer is high end :D

And the thing is, I dont understand why the performance level is medium since my computer is performing excellent! And couldn't be better! :D

But ya, I will never need such programs to keep my computer performing good. Every 1-2 months i perform a system wipe (Reinstalling windows, Formatting everything). :D

But i guess if you don't have an high end computer these programs can come in handy.
@ak said:
The thing is Clara, is that if I hit "Repair" button, it will not effect the performance on my computer what so ever since my computer is high end :D

And the thing is, I dont understand why the performance level is medium since my computer is performing excellent! And couldn't be better! :D

But ya, I will never need such programs to keep my computer performing good. Every 1-2 months i perform a system wipe (Reinstalling windows, Formatting everything). :D

But i guess if you don't have an high end computer these programs can come in handy.

What is the type of processor you are using aK? Clara's laptop consists of an i5 processor.
System wipe isn't an option for clara.She stores her files somewhere in the laptop and some of them resides in C drive as well(like desktop files,documents files..) So her only option is, using cool software's :D
Thats true actually sometimes such cleaning programs create more problems then solving problems, actually its not recommened to install such programs if the computer is new or formated.
<quote option="'MadaraUchiha, post: 29411' dateline='1412491566'"><br />
I use Malwarebytes and, it has not created a problem like that in my system...................</quote><br />
Malwarebytes is anti-malware though, not a PC cleaner.
Claraviolet said:

First of all,take a look at those problems.
Junk files are created every minute because an application doesn't really care about "free"ing the memory after it's use.In other words,temp files are created every minute :P

For some reason you have too many privacy issues and internet problems.In other words,you didn't clean the cookies stored in your computer somewhere.Every forum has it's own settings for cookies storage and then there is the registry.Modifying the registry isn't a good thing but fragments are created in every we use registry cleaners :P

And this advanced system care will take care of such issues in just one go. I kinda use wise care 365 with this advanced system care and believe me,the performance of my desktop is really great :P (boot up time is just 36 seconds O.O )

So,please don't come to conclusions just like that :P
You too @[smoker] :P

Yeah exactly, but if your computer is high end it won't really help, if your computer is low end on the other hand then it would be helpful
personally I don't install those types of programs especially because they always ask for payment before fixing the problems so i just stay away from them.
The disk defragmenter that windows provides is already enough.
MadaraUchiha said:
I use Malwarebytes and, it has not created a problem like that in my system...................
Malwarebytes sucks, in my opinion. It has a lot of false positives, and it blocks several websites that are perfectly safe. Also, Malwarebytes is not a registry cleaner, so why did you mention it?
alakazam said:
MadaraUchiha said:
I use Malwarebytes and, it has not created a problem like that in my system...................
Malwarebytes sucks, in my opinion. It has a lot of false positives, and it blocks several websites that are perfectly safe. Also, Malwarebytes is not a registry cleaner, so why did you mention it?

Don't care...............It works fine for me, though................
@ak said:
The thing is Clara, is that if I hit "Repair" button, it will not effect the performance on my computer what so ever since my computer is high end :D

And the thing is, I dont understand why the performance level is medium since my computer is performing excellent! And couldn't be better! :D

But ya, I will never need such programs to keep my computer performing good. Every 1-2 months i perform a system wipe (Reinstalling windows, Formatting everything). :D

But i guess if you don't have an high end computer these programs can come in handy.

Formatting isn't an option for us =)
We're computer science students. So data is more important to us than the performance.I have tons of projects and important documents stored on my computer. Sure, I can make a copy of them but re-creating databases etc is a lot of pain. I also have a lot of software installed. Re-installing them will be a pain in the neck not to mention the time it will take to adjust the settings and make all the software work the way I want it to. I haven't formatted my HDD until now and I have no intention of doing it anytime in the future.

The only time I lost my data is when my HDD failed about 7 months ago. I was pretty down back then. I haven't created backups for some important projects and now they're gone forever T_T
@ak said:
So, I chose to format and reinstall my windows.

Everything gone, with nothing on it. Fresh installed.

I installed Advanced System Care. And I ran a scan. Remember, I have no other files than that on my PC.

It still manages to find 10338 problems.

Here take a look:

Remember, I have nothing installed. I reinstalled windows so it's like a new Computer.

So that's why i do not trust these kind of programs :D

I don't trust them either
Elvis said:
Malwarebytes sucks, in my opinion. It has a lot of false positives, and it blocks several websites that are perfectly safe. Also, Malwarebytes is not a registry cleaner, so why did you mention it?

you must have some kind of bad setting, Malwarebytes has never blocked a site for me that it shouldn't have and has always found things that were a issue on my machine.
Demon_skeith said:
you must have some kind of bad setting, Malwarebytes has never blocked a site for me that it shouldn't have and has always found things that were a issue on my machine.

Everything is not perfect and had flaws . There might be some sites which are good but blocked by that software. How long have you been using it?