This fight animation for OPM sucks so much.


V.I.P. Member
Blown out backgrounds because they can't be bothered to draw backgrounds, colors are way off what we saw in season 1, Not even animating the main finishing blows. It started off decently when genos threw those punches but everything after that....
That's just disappointing man.
It was so popular and how could they do this for a sequel? Everyone's so eager to watch it
Nameless said:
That's just disappointing man.
It was so popular and how could they do this for a sequel? Everyone's so eager to watch it

They just want to make money. Even if their work sucks.
Oh.. OPM, can i ask out of topic question? Is Saitama really end his fight with only one punch? I never watch OPM so i don't know about this
BlueFog2019 said:
Oh.. OPM, can i ask out of topic question? Is Saitama really end his fight with only one punch? I never watch OPM so i don't know about this

Pretty much
no one will ever drop it.
they are watching it for the story and not for animation. those people know it and try to save that money
If you notice even the OP is full of screen-saver shots. JC Staff did the same shit with Food Wars season 2.
The problem is they are doing like every anime out there, new movies for Konosuba, Danmachi, and a shit load of TV anime so I'm not surprised. Probably didn't have enough time to actually do this. Also talent, I guess. OPM season 1 clearly had talent anime working on it.

BlueFog2019 said:

You need to understand that it's a parody of shonen anime. There's no point if you start talking about how powerful Saitama is, especially when idiots start comparing him to Goku, etc.
Demon_skeith said:
Maybe they will improve things with the blu-ray releases? Hopefully...

That would mean a drastic improvement and I don't see that happening. Blu-ray releases usually correct minor mistakes in the character art and probably make stuff a bit more detailed. Not convert screen-saver the anime into Spirited Away.