What do you guys think?
Dark theme:
Light theme:
@Burnsy @Elvis @DarkAngel @Grungie @Kaname @MoonlightShadow @Rinko @Star_Of_Hope @MadaraUchiha and others
Dark theme:
Xenforo Themes - Titan - XenFocus
Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars.

Xenith XenForo 2 Theme — ThemeHouse
Based off it’s XenForo 1 successor, Xenith still brings many of the same features to XenForo 2. Features include a flat, modern design with a hand-crafted and detailed interface design which is integrated with UI.X 2. Xenith brings it’s lighter look which suitable for any forum along with...