

Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
What do you guys think?
Dark theme:
Light theme:
@Burnsy @Elvis @DarkAngel @Grungie @Kaname @MoonlightShadow @Rinko @Star_Of_Hope @MadaraUchiha and others
even in the dark?
that will hurt your eyes, elv. don't tell me, you don't use your phone in the dark
I don't browse forums on my phone. I mostly use my PC. I would never sit in a dark room with a black PC screen, as it would make me feel anxious. I prefer bright screens and bright rooms.
I think I am fond of the dark theme. Is it just me or most of the game themes are pretty good?
Let's just take a vote.
I don't think anyone is active and if they are, their opinion matters a lot. Send out the website email too
Sending out the newsletter is a good idea.
I bet people already forgot about this place by now