Theme feedback


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So, what do you think guys?
They look great.
are they good for mobile devices like the present theme?
Well, we need to make it look less bland, and make sure that it's mobile-friendly.......And, what about 'alerts'?
MadaraUchiha said:
Well, we need to make it look less bland, and make sure that it's mobile-friendly.......And, what about 'alerts'?
We can't even download that as it requires paypal account and such.
We can't really do anything now :(
Star_Of_Hope said:
MadaraUchiha said:
Well, we need to make it look less bland, and make sure that it's mobile-friendly.......And, what about 'alerts'?
We can't even download that as it requires paypal account and such.
We can't really do anything now :(

Yeah, I heard....Too bad.....I hope you figure out a way soon.......
Star_Of_Hope said:
MadaraUchiha said:
Yeah, I heard....Too bad.....I hope you figure out a way soon.......

I couldn't believe that, something would be this hard. She is feeling down too :(

I'll ask my friends whether they have a Paypal account, and give you some inputs, if you tell me what the actual problem is.....
MadaraUchiha said:
I'll ask my friends whether they have a Paypal account, and give you some inputs, if you tell me what the actual problem is.....

This is the error message "The bank that issued your card didn't approve this transaction. Please contact the card issuer.s customer service department if you have any questions. Or you can add a different card now to continue."
Star_Of_Hope said:
MadaraUchiha said:
I'll ask my friends whether they have a Paypal account, and give you some inputs, if you tell me what the actual problem is.....

This is the error message "The bank that issued your card didn't approve this transaction. Please contact the card issuer.s customer service department if you have any questions. Or you can add a different card now to continue."

Thanks. I'll ask my friends.
(_ _)/ I am tired...I have been trying my very best to get a theme...but I am stumped...what shoild I do, minasan?
If I may ask, how much are you going to give for that Forum Theme?

Just to make sure you're not over paying for what you are getting xD.

If you dont want to say it here, plz pm me :)
@ak said:
If I may ask, how much are you going to give for that Forum Theme?

Just to make sure you're not over paying for what you are getting xD.

If you dont want to say it here, plz pm me :)

That payment is fixed.
For about 25$. It's a premium theme not a custom theme :D
Claraviolet said:
@ak said:
If I may ask, how much are you going to give for that Forum Theme?

Just to make sure you're not over paying for what you are getting xD.

If you dont want to say it here, plz pm me :)

That payment is fixed.
For about 25$. It's a premium theme not a custom theme :D

Alright, sounds cheap n good :D

Just sounds weird that your Debit Card wont work with PayPal. :(

Mine works fine with PayPal. Never had any problems :o
@ak said:
Alright, sounds cheap n good :D
Oh :D
I hope someone gets that for me.
I offered services if they get us that I hope someone great would do that already ;-;
Claraviolet said:
@ak said:
Alright, sounds cheap n good :D
Oh :D
I hope someone gets that for me.
I offered services if they get us that I hope someone great would do that already ;-;

Just do it already!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it tbh. :)

@ak said:
Just do it already!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it tbh. :)

She wanted to become an admin and so even more work just because of one theme.
Even though we have enough money to get it, payal isn't accepting our cards :(
I don't want her to become a staff member in even more forums, just for that :(
@ak said:
Claraviolet said:
@ak said:
Alright, sounds cheap n good :D
Oh :D
I hope someone gets that for me.
I offered services if they get us that I hope someone great would do that already ;-;

Just do it already!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it tbh. :)

If I can, I will and you know that....:cuteeyes:
Star_Of_Hope said:
@ak said:
Just do it already!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it tbh. :)

She wanted to become an admin and so even more work just because of one theme.
Even though we have enough money to get it, payal isn't accepting our cards :(
I don't want her to become a staff member in even more forums, just for that :(

I am fine star :D
I am a staff member in two other forums. I have resigned in all the other forums.
So, it's going to be just fine :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
@ak said:
Just do it already!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it tbh. :)

She wanted to become an admin and so even more work just because of one theme.
Even though we have enough money to get it, payal isn't accepting our cards :(
I don't want her to become a staff member in even more forums, just for that :(

Damn paypal! :die:

Why u no accept our moneyzzz!! xD