Technology VS Books.


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This Thread is Technology VS Books. I think that books are better because compare the cost to a book to a computer or a video game. It is cheaper and doesn't need charging. Secondly in my opinion books educate you and help you expand your English language. You can also lose your mind while reading a book. Thanks for reading this thread and fell free to leave a reply saying what you prefer and why.
Technology is not always "useless"............For example, Quora............And, in my opinion, books are way better than e-books..........But, technology, as a whole, is as useful, if not more, as books............
Technology can be good, like getting books for free (even though that's illegal), listening to an ebook, etc. Books are good to because they have fewer distractions.
each as their pros and cons, the major one is that its easier to carry about 500 ebooks compared to 500 real books.

But I like using books better.
What are we comparing here? Computers to books? If so, even though I love books, I have to say that the computer is more important to everyday life than books, and that if I had to choose between modern technology and all the libraries in the world, I would choose technology. Even books nowadays are written, drawn and published by using computers.
Well, books are books but in 2015, I would prefer tech stuff like eReaders or Tablets or 2-in-1 laptops to read info or entire books or even mangas.
The main reason you should use tech instead of books is that you're contributing to preservation of paper and trees in the next years.
Another reason is that, you can download the book whenever you want and read it without having another book around your house.
The pages won't get yellow-colored and they won't ever wrinkle or fold.