Spoilers in opening and ending songs


Staff member
There are often many spoilers in anime openings and endings. I don't usually watch them but what about others?
Do you feel that it's annoying or do you think it's exciting?
There aren't many major spoilers man and they can be easily ignored.
If you don't like to watch them just for spoilers, you could watch them later
EDs don't have spoilers. If they do then the anime is probably trash. 
I usually make sure there's no spoilers in the OP before watching it but I obviously can't do that for ongoing series. So I have not experienced anything like this. 
But I love it when there's foreshadowing in an opening which can only be picked up after you actually watch whatever's foreshadowed. JoJo is great at this(I mean it's not foe no reason that all 8 OPs of JoJo are exceedingly amazing).
Fairy tale was the one that pissed me off the most which always did this. Every new arc I knew who the next bad guy was and what fights were gonna happen.
there are many anime like this and i have stopped noticing them altogether.
i am cool with everything now