So, what can we and we cannot make threads about here?


V.I.P. Member
Hi, guys.

It's been a while. I was just wondering is this area like for us to create dedicated threads about our hobbies? To have discussions about stuff we don't want to be accessed by guests browsing the community, is there a limit on the type or amount of threads we can make?

Can any logged-in member have access to this area?

I thought that perhaps other members are feeling unsure and don't want to get in trouble and that's why there is not much going around here, so I figured I'd bite the bullet. Hahah.

Of course it could very well be that I am missing the obvious. 😆
Hi, guys.

It's been a while. I was just wondering is this area like for us to create dedicated threads about our hobbies? To have discussions about stuff we don't want to be accessed by guests browsing the community, is there a limit on the type or amount of threads we can make?

Can any logged-in member have access to this area?

I thought that perhaps other members are feeling unsure and don't want to get in trouble and that's why there is not much going around here, so I figured I'd bite the bullet. Hahah.

Of course it could very well be that I am missing the obvious. 😆
Looks like we forgot about it.
The idea behind the members section is to have your own sub forum 😊
If you have around 5k or is it10k posts? Well, you can get your own sub forum and it will be about you and other folks can't really make threads there and can only interact with your threads.

To avoid the cluster of sub forums and to recognize regular folks, we have introduced this sub forum idea. Hope that helps.
That makes perfect sense. Thank you.
It's a tall order but I think getting a sub board in exchange sounds like a pretty good 'reward' for the effort.