So is it more elitist to hate an anime that everyone loves or vice versa?


Staff member
What do you think of this?
I know people who thinks stuff in this way and they believe it's to set them apart from the usual crowd
I wouldn’t call it elitist, I think you’re just trying to be edgy. Though I think pretending to like a show everyone hates is slightly more edgy
I think popular show haters tend to be louder and typically more elitist. Its only now and then I encounter loud lovers of small series but some people love to make it known when they dislike something popular
apathy said:
I think popular show haters tend to be louder and typically more elitist. Its only now and then I encounter loud lovers of small series but some people love to make it known when they dislike something popular

this is true
just because they don't agree with something, doesn't mean they are special lol and the same goes to anime too