Pick your Devil Fruit


If you could pick any devil fruit which would you pick and why?

Personally I would get the Ope Ope no Mi. Though I wouldn't go to be a surgeon by any means, the abilities and uses of this ability would be extremely helpful in day to day life. Specifically being able to switch places with things would be helpful for moving stuff around in my job.
I would go with the Gura Gura no Mi, just to make everything turn upside down would be impressive.
I would want to try out the Shambles power. It would have been interesting with other devil fruits too but I don't want to eat any fruit which can change my physical appearance to that of an animal
I would want to have Magu Magu no mi.
It's Akainu's power and stronger than the fire power.
I would like gomu gomu no mi. I am sure it's not the strongest power but after watching Luffy for so many years, I would like to have that power as well