
For Internet Savy's maintaining passwords is the primary task and most important task. If u fail u keep your password safe its the end.

So follow some rules :

1) Don't use too simple passwords that can be guessable by anyone. Like 123, abc, apple so on.
2) Don't Keep your name or your favorite names because persons who know you can easily guess these.
3) Don't Keep too much tough passwords to remember. Because if you fail to remember it then probably you loose your account. (There may be recovery options but its not a good practice.)

4) Don't use Email id passwords for other accounts like forums, websites like facebook, twitter.

5) change your passwords periodically.

6) Finally don't write your passwords on books or paper which are easily seen by others.
Sebastian said:
but you see lost.
don't you my lady? x(
it pains me to look at you like that x(

Another guy looking at the world through rose coloured looking glass :sigh:
Shaurya said:
Another guy looking at the world through rose coloured looking glass :sigh:

these are grease smeared glasses my lady. if they do anything, they make things wore xD
I have complex 30+ character passwords and a unique one for each forum/website I visit.

I've been a member of a few forums that got hacked. The hackers downloaded/stole the database. If this happens at any forum you visit, a hacker can decrypt your hashed password and use it to login to your other accounts around the web (if you use the same password everywhere).

Best to have a different password for each forum you visit because if one gets compromised, you'll have nothing to worry about.
I had to change all passwords when MangaTraders got hacked because I practically used the same password everywhere. Now I have like five to six combinations of usernames and passwords.
I used to have similar passwords for sites, like forums and such but no more. Now I have an indivual password for each forum and somehow I rememeber them all.

For banking and such I use encryption keys, and different authentication for more protection.