Our custom theme is finally finished!


Staff member
It looks like, now we have an error free custom theme for our OPF :D

So, what is your honest opinion about this theme, everyone? :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
Albert Newton said:
well... smilies are not popping out when typing a reply ..

I am lost. What's that supposed to mean?
Testing smilies:


while replying, when i press 'get more' at the smilies , the smilie window is not popping out.. :|
Can you change the "blue" background? Maybe we can accomodate OP characters in there.............Afterall, the main part is occupying a lot of space..............
MadaraUchiha said:
Can you change the "blue" background? Maybe we can accomodate OP characters in there.............Afterall, the main part is occupying a lot of space..............

I am not so sure.
Only Clara knows that stuff :(