One piece manga shots


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The title is a bit weird.

I know that very well. I have heard that manga last pages consists of some funny one shots.
Is that true?
Hhmmm I don't know what u r talking about
Maybe u r talking about the cover stories or other one piece one shots like chopperman
NightBaron said:
Hhmmm I don't know what u r talking about
Maybe u r talking about the cover stories or other one piece one shots like chopperman

Chopperman? That sounds as if chopper is a hero like spiderman or batman :D
So, you guys can share these little stories with us non-manga readers :D
We would love to read them and especially if they are described by a fellow anime fan :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
NightBaron said:
Hhmmm I don't know what u r talking about
Maybe u r talking about the cover stories or other one piece one shots like chopperman

Chopperman? That sounds as if chopper is a hero like spiderman or batman :D
So, you guys can share these little stories with us non-manga readers :D
We would love to read them and especially if they are described by a fellow anime fan :D

You don't know Chopperman? :D
There are some 5 minutes episodes of him too :D
I watched them long ago and don't remember what was it's title :p
Mansi14 said:
You don't know Chopperman? :D
There are some 5 minutes episodes of him too :D
I watched them long ago and don't remember what was it's title :p

I skipped some episodes as they are really boring and my memory isn't serving me at all these days :(
Star_Of_Hope said:
Mansi14 said:
You don't know Chopperman? :D
There are some 5 minutes episodes of him too :D
I watched them long ago and don't remember what was it's title :p

I skipped some episodes as they are really boring and my memory isn't serving me at all these days :(

They were extra episodes...>_>