New registrations will be disabled temporarily


Staff member
As there are too many spam accounts these days, we have decided to temporarily block the registrations. However, we will try to make it easy for new registrations by contacting the staff through a form.

Thank you
That's not really a good idea. Don't we have plugins to keep the spam in check? Isn't it best to install them to drive away the spam accounts? This place is already close to transforming into a graveyard.
We can see when an account is spam. But there's an unbelievable amount of these accounts each day and someone (I should help) has to go through each of these and remove them. Though I'm also unsure why we've blocked new members because someone genuine might try join
Should require a first moderated post, also what spam systems are you using to block incoming spam? Xenforo has a really good system that keeps out most bots.
that's a bad idea.
we don't have enough members are few loyal people are still here star and that can attract new members