New group promotion!!

Grey_Fox said:
By the way.. i'm starting to like the grey color of my name Haha.. it looks silvery to me, and i like silver

That's good
I don't think I will be getting anymore colors for myself.
Grey_Fox said:
Umm.. yeah, the evaluation is annual now, so most likely you'll get your vip color in January next year
how did you know that?
i thought no one knows about it as there is no thread about it.
Rinko said:
Why didn't your color change?
I thought it would be blue like mine, by now.

I don't know Haha.. maybe Star forget. Anyway.. i feel like this silvery grey color looks cool so i won't complaint about that
Grey_Fox said:
I don't know Haha.. maybe Star forget. Anyway.. i feel like this silvery grey color looks cool so i won't complaint about that
Do you want it to be changed?
Or would you like to keep this color?
Grey_Fox said:
I think i'll keep it, it match with my username

That's cool
I like my color and I don't think I can change my color so easily. Getting 5k posts is going to be hard.
Grey_Fox said:
It's not as hard as you thought, your post count is already near half of it

Only because I am active now
I usually disappear for months and that's my track record.
Grey_Fox said:
I think i'll keep it, it match with my username

Let me know, when you would want to change it
Until then, you can keep on using this color :D. Usually it's an automated task but looks like it's not working properly