Nen system from Hunter x Hunter


I think.. the Nen system from Hunter x Hunter is the best written power system in anime/manga world, they are so detailed.

Some series only give definition about their power system, some others are try to give little bit detail. But Togashi sensei give quite detail for this Nen system. First, just like any other series of course Togashi sensei give us definition about this power and where it is come from, and how to begin to use it. 

Then the system develop into great mechanism.  First is the 4 basic technique Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu and second is the advanced technique like Gyo, In, En, Shu, Ko, Ken and Ryu. Third the application of Nen (Hatsu) divide into 6 from Enhancement, Emission, Transmutation, Manipulation, Conjuration and Specialization. There is also affinity system that give rule to this Hatsu thing. There are more like vow and limitation rule to give more spice into this system.

This is quite good for me, it feels like real martial art technique. As far as i know.. the system that come close to this Nen system in anime/manga world is Kekkai technique from Kekkaishi and Jutsu from Naruto, they have some details too.
I think Jutsu is a lot more memorable, at least until before the War arc. More importantly it's cool.
Nen can get a bit non-descriptive at times and sometimes I forget which is which, especially since there aren't a lot of episodes and Nen gets introduced pretty late in the series. 
Simple and effective would probably be One Piece. There are only 3 major power systems at work: Haki, Devil Fruits and Gears(which is specific to only one person) and they are all easy to understand.
I mean they introduced all that complexity just to throw it all away in the chimera ant arc in favor of DBZ style power ups which have no explanation other than killua and gon were just super talented.

My favorite is the magic system in kara no kyoukai. I found it to be super realistic because it's not some get out of jail free card via power ups, therefore it's not always flashy or cool but rather it's something that you study to be good at and you really only see it when it's necessary.Because magic is of course mysterious and the show respects that unlike Fairy tail which is the polar opposite in it's approach. You see people dedicating their lives to the study because the source of magic, the akashic records is something all powerful and every sorcerer aims to reach it. It's basically a quest for knowledge instead of just fighting power. They also do research and experiments which dabble in both philosophy and the human psyche. It's analogous to real science in a lot of ways. 

I liked naruto's jutsus a lot more than nen because they stuck with it and grew the idea to be an incredibly vast and diverse set of powerful jutsus and skills and they managed to make them usable in fights in really good ways.,....Till they also threw it away and went DBZ on us with the tailed beast's powers. But at least they lasted much much longer than HxH and they didn't throw away tactics and fighting like ninjas away completely.

Special mention to FMAB's alchemy. It's just brilliant.

I think.. the most simple and effective is Dragon Ball's Ki, it's just like that

I don't know kara no kyoukai so i must check that out.

Okay so maybe HxH fighting style is lean toward DBZ start from Chimera arc but they still consistent with the system. The so called charging up power is Ren and it's already mentioned in the basic technique. And if you check them out everything is still within Nen system rules
Sadly I never really understood it much, I just kind of go with it whenever someone speaks about it.
read the wiki page and it's detailed.
if i could trick myself i can actually think of it as reality.
i like this mangaka more and more
Blackangel said:
read the wiki page and it's detailed.
if i could trick myself i can actually think of it as reality.
i like this mangaka more and more

Yea very detailed, i never seen detailed system like that