Looking for new anime


Well-known member
Any anime with new view of the world or something that sparks an interest, is exactly what I am looking for. I might not give you much about the genre as I very partial to it, at times, but I would like something that would make you stop and think, even if it is just for a second. 
Please give me the names that fit this description. Thank you.
i don't get what you want for your recommendations. every anime doesn't have a repeat story and only a few anime look like copies of other anime like that.
Well, I would recommend shiki, which is very close to Tokyo ghoul and it shows the struggles of vampires and how hard they have to work, to keep heir identities and activities hidden.
Not sure what if you've already seen it. But, I recommend Steins Gate. It's about time travel. Season 1 was amazing. I still haven't started Season 2 yet.