Kaido's beast kingdom vs Red haired pirates


Staff member
Do you think Shanks stand a chance against Kaido?
He is very strong and he would understand it better than anything and not to mention that he is a Yonko himself.
kaido is beyond that
and he might actually won against the black beard teach if he plays his cards well. don't underestimate him
Demon_skeith said:
It be a hell of a battle, but I'm sure Kaido would come out on top.

I see
As we don't know Shanks powers, I thought may be he could win. Guess Kaido is too powerful.
Demon_skeith said:
Pretty sure shanks is just another mihawk type character.

Well, that could be the case as well.
He is just there to give Luffy a boost to get more power and to set a higher goal.