Joker: Movie Review


Staff member
Watched this today. The plot is simple, how Arthur Fleck turns into Joker. The movie is unrelenting, intense and bleak. Don't go in expecting any action, there isn't any. If you want any contemporary examples this is more like Black Swan or Nightcrawler, and Taxi Driver is an inspiration(which if you've watched the movie you'll know). 
The story is told through the perspective of Arthur throughout the entire film, he's at the front and centre and everything is about him. And yes Joaquin Phoenix is awesome as the Joker. It doesn't feel like Heath Ledger or Nicholson or (thank God) Leto. It's his own distinct style and he owns it. And has a great laugh as well. The narrative is about a somewhat mentally unstable man being pushed into life of violence by society. It's a great character study and I was engrossed throughout the movie. Score was fine, but it was nowhere near as good as Ledger's theme in the Dark Knight, that was truly haunting. But it services the movie well and makes you feel unnerved. All the other actors were great, and the movie looked beautiful.

Overall this is a great psychological movie about a disturbed man plummeting to insanity, the fall is extremely well-constructed and Arthur/Joker is portrayed phenomenally by Phoenix. Highly recommend it.


If I get the time I'll watch it. The trailer looked a little bad though when I first saw it.
MadaraUchiha said:
What's the first time and are you gonna watch it?

On another site, she said it's a must watch movie, she told me to watch it. Well most likely i'll just buy the DVD and enjoy it at home haha..
I have never of it before.
I am not sure whether I am going to watch the whole movie or not but I will give it a try
Star_Of_Hope said:
I have never of it before.
I am not sure whether I am going to watch the whole movie or not but I will give it a try
Huh, this is being advertised everywhere. You didn't even get a Youtube ad?
MadaraUchiha said:
Huh, this is being advertised everywhere. You didn't even get a Youtube ad?

I haven't been watching any YouTube videos lately.
So, I don't think I have seen this before.