If you can bring anyone back to life in naruto...



If you can bring anyone back to life in naruto, who would it be?
As you ight have guessed, I will choose itachi.
What about you?
That's a tough one. I'd probably bring back the Second Hokage. It just seems like his death was so anti climatic considering how powerful he actually was. I might also bring back the 1st Raikage as well. I dunno, seems like the first ninja leaders were so OP, but as the story progresses the new generation becomes a little better. Tough question.
I'd choose Itachi. He was such a warm brother to Sasuke and it feels like his death over the hands of his own brother is the worst death he could have. Well, he (Itachi) could have said the evil plot of their clan to Sasuke and end up living and loving one another. Reasons will always be there, and as I will always say, it is painful for me to see him die, knowing that his reasons were too "abnegation" to save his brother. Man, I can't forget that scene.
Poser said:
I'd choose Itachi. He was such a warm brother to Sasuke and it feels like his death over the hands of his own brother is the worst death he could have. Well, he (Itachi) could have said the evil plot of their clan to Sasuke and end up living and loving one another. Reasons will always be there, and as I will always say, it is painful for me to see him die, knowing that his reasons were too "abnegation" to save his brother. Man, I can't forget that scene.

It was a beautiful scene but there are other people who sacrificed themselves for greater good like lelouch from code geass, white beard from one piece, asuma, neji and so many other ninjas from naruto.
Nel said:
I would probably choose itachi or lady chio. I would like to see your choice @MadaraUchiha@MelloLily@Sindar @Davis

The whole thing with characters coming back to life in Naruto was one of the major things I didn't like about Shippuden. I like Gaara and Kakashi, Hinata and other random Pain's victims were good people too; but every time you bring a character back you devaluate the importance of the risks the characters have to take in their fights. So I would like to refrain from answering the topic question :p
Itachi for sure. A true shinobi who really had the village's best interest at heart. He sacrificed himself and his reputation, making himself the bad guy, just to protect the village. Protecting from the shadows.
Sindar said:
The whole thing with characters coming back to life in Naruto was one of the major things I didn't like about Shippuden. I like Gaara and Kakashi, Hinata and other random Pain's victims were good people too; but every time you bring a character back you devaluate the importance of the risks the characters have to take in their fights. So I would like to refrain from answering the topic question :p

Don't you think it's not fair to resurrect only a few when there are other people who deserve that? Like neji? Itachi?

I am glad that we share the same opinion mel. Do you think Sasuke would accept him if he were to be resurrected?
Nel said:
Don't you think it's not fair to resurrect only a few when there are other people who deserve that? Like neji? Itachi?
I think it breaks the story in a bad way, that's all.
Sindar said:
I think it breaks the story in a bad way, that's all.

Let me ask you this. Eho is your favorite character in general and in naruto?
Anyone who has been resurrected was only for a short period of time, not for good. But I think Sasuke would accept Itachi if Itachi were alive. They love each other.
MelloLily said:
Sasuke hated itachi for so long. Can he truly accept itachi if he were to comeback? Won't he favor naruto more than itachi being a friend and all? I believe that's unfair/

You like sasuke? After all that? What would you do if you were to encounter a sasuke hater?
Nel said:
Sasuke hated itachi for so long. Can he truly accept itachi if he were to comeback? Won't he favor naruto more than itachi being a friend and all? I believe that's unfair/

You like sasuke? After all that? What would you do if you were to encounter a sasuke hater?

I didn't mention Sasuke o_O But since you ask, I am fine with Sasuke. If you take his story and his actions seriously it is actually quite interesting. I don't mind people having different opinions :p
Nel said:
Sasuke hated itachi for so long. Can he truly accept itachi if he were to comeback? Won't he favor naruto more than itachi being a friend and all? I believe that's unfair/

You like sasuke? After all that? What would you do if you were to encounter a sasuke hater?


I have always wanted to know this my lady

How can sasuke forgive his brother for killing his mom? She got nothing to do with all the clan plot. So why?

I haven't watched naruto for 2 years now but I do follow enough gossip and spoilers. I don't get those brothers thoughts. One is trying to pick others over his own family and the other one is trying to destroy everything the first one protected. It's stupid