How do you get the latest anime news?


Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
I don't follow any anime news to be honest.
I get to know stuff only through AMF xD
MadaraUchiha said:
Ever since I started using it everyday I haven't missed any news.

Reddit can be boring after a while. I didn't expect you to visit it frequently. I was sure everyone would say Mal here
I don't usually follow anime news at all. I get some information in AMF.
No wonder I have missed the releases of many popular anime and their seasons as well
BurnsyCEO said:
From r/anime and you guys.

Ugh....I never liked Reddit interface :/
Just like Facebook...I don't use it much... In fact I don't think I have account on Reddit.
i google for it or look through others posts. sometimes i get updates from fb pages.
it's not the same and its helpful to have many sources.