

V.I.P. Member
This series start pretty good, i'm serious, it was an instant hooked for me. This series is all about vampires.. it was thrilling and mysterious, it makes you want to read and read again, it makes you curious about what's happening?? But sadly.. that's all. All the good things only happened in the first arc, as the stories goes on this 'supposed to be a seinen series' transform into your 'regular battle shonen bullshit'

'Regular battle shonen bullshit'? Yeah.. i'm talking about I MADE A PROMISE!!, I CAN'T FIGHT MY OWN BROTHER!!, FRIENDSHIP!! and all that cheesy stuff. Then what part of this series that we can considered as 'seinen'? Just the gore and the women, but they are not helping at all..

To be blunt, this series is also full of stupid things. Examples? Yea sure, like this :

The big brother Atshushi write a letter to his little brother Akira 'To Akira, if you received this letter that means i died and my village was destroyed. But Akira, you don't have to worry about this since Miyabi (note : Miyabi is the main villains) is the cause of all of this. If Miyabi didn't spread this vampiric virus then there wouldn't any tragedies on Higanjima'

Let's stop this. What actually happened 3 years ago :

Atsushi visit Higanjima with his girlfriend Kyouko to get approval from her parents to marry her. There is tradition in Higanjima that before a couple can get married they must bring offering to the altar in the sacred shrine. After they put the offering in the altar Kyouko give explaination to Atsushi that it's forbidden to enter inside the shrine because based on old story there is a vampire sealed inside the shrine. But guess what? Atshushi get curious and he barge in into the shrine, he also consiously broke the seal and let Miyabi out from his prison.

Okay now, so.. dude.. you're the one who brought disaster to Higanjima, you're the one who broke Miyabi's seal and now you blame Miyabi for all that happened?? You're the one to blame here duh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Let's end this now, this series suck. But if you like 'regular battle shonen bullshit' then you might like it
wait, didn't i read this before?
am i getting amnesia or hallucinations or did you make a similar post before, shadow?