Group Promotions!!!!!

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Claraviolet said:
Are you bored with your username color? Is it just plain and normal?
Then here is your answer,we have group promotions from here on in!!!!!

It seems as if you are advertising something on TV :P
But it is okay :P and i like ur idea.....
Yosh...! into this... tho it will take some time to get into Zoro's group...i will work hard to get to you Zoro..:goodluck:
I'd like to stay in chopper's group forever

there a lot of groups I think

Also u might as well remove the referral condition
Brook's group requirements:

Post count:100
Reputation count:5
Time registered:10 days.

now ...i have 100 post count and 5 rep. and by tomorrow ,,...i will be 10 days registered here...
Claraviolet said:
Are you bored with your username color? Is it just plain and normal?
Then here is your answer,we have group promotions from here on in!!!!!

We have 7 user group promotions.These groups will have different username colors.And everyone can see that you are a reputed member :P

Details of these 7 groups:

Brook's group requirements:

Post count:100
Reputation count:5
Time registered:10 days.

Franky's group requirements:

Post count:250
Reputation count:10
Time registered:30 days.
(It's maroon (_ _) )

Robin's group requirements:

Post count:500
Reputation count:30
Time registered:60 days.

Chopper's group requirements:

Post count:750
Reputation count:50
Time registered:100 days.

Nami's group requirements:

Post count:1000
Reputation count:75
Time registered:130 days.

Sanji's group requirements:

Post count:2000
Reputation count:150
Time registered:200 days.

Usopp's group requirements:

Post count:3000
Reputation count:200
Time registered:250 days.

Zoro's group requirements:

Post count:5000
Reputation count:350
Time registered:300 days.

As you can see each username gives some special color.If you don't like these promotions,just don't meet the requirements. This system is automatic.You don't have to notify some admin when you meet all these requirements.You will get promoted automatically :P

Now,not only admins,but everyone can have a colored username that is different from the rest.

Hope you guys like these promotions :ohmy:

Edit:If you fulfill all the requirements,you will get promoted sooner or later.Otherwise just PM me or reply to this thread :)

Why the hell is zoro own so high???!! :huh: >:( I am done!!!
X-Caster said:
Why the hell is zoro own so high???!! :huh: >:( I am done!!!

Because.....he is as strong as >.>

Don't you like these promotions anymore? :cuteeyes:
Claraviolet said:
X-Caster said:
Why the hell is zoro own so high???!! :huh: >:( I am done!!!

Because.....he is as strong as >.>

Don't you like these promotions anymore? :cuteeyes:

Yh but even it I reach to 100. I can't start glowing. I'll need five positive reputation votes and I only have 2.
Claraviolet said:
Are you bored with your username color? Is it just plain and normal?
Then here is your answer,we have group promotions from here on in!!!!!

We have 7 user group promotions.These groups will have different username colors.And everyone can see that you are a reputed member :P

Details of these 7 groups:

Brook's group requirements:

Post count:100
Reputation count:5
Time registered:10 days.

Franky's group requirements:

Post count:250
Reputation count:10
Time registered:30 days.
(It's maroon (_ _) )

Robin's group requirements:

Post count:500
Reputation count:30
Time registered:60 days.

Chopper's group requirements:

Post count:750
Reputation count:50
Time registered:100 days.

Nami's group requirements:

Post count:1000
Reputation count:75
Time registered:130 days.

Sanji's group requirements:

Post count:2000
Reputation count:150
Time registered:200 days.

Usopp's group requirements:

Post count:3000
Reputation count:200
Time registered:250 days.

Zoro's group requirements:

Post count:5000
Reputation count:350
Time registered:300 days.

As you can see each username gives some special color.If you don't like these promotions,just don't meet the requirements. This system is automatic.You don't have to notify some admin when you meet all these requirements.You will get promoted automatically :P

Now,not only admins,but everyone can have a colored username that is different from the rest.

Hope you guys like these promotions :ohmy:

Edit:If you fulfill all the requirements,you will get promoted sooner or later.Otherwise just PM me or reply to this thread :)

Why is Franky's group a prettier yellow than sanji's.... on second thought.... why is Franky's group yellow in the first place? And also... even though nami's hair is orange.... orange is ugly... make it pink.... I think. Also Franky's should be green and aqua mix. And also usopp's color is pretty disgusting. Most people wouldn't even try to get it. But then again we want to make it to Zoro. Not a complaint, but a simple feedback. Here's a thought, color fusion. Have one color at the beginning of a name and have it stream over to another color by the end. Like start with green and end with blue or start with pink and end with purple... its up to you. But it would be pretty. :bye:
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