God Eater final thoughts


Staff member
Episode 4-10:
In each episode we learn the backstories of various characters. We also learn how God Eaters came to be, what Oracle cells are, etc. We also learn a little bit about Aegis, the true motivations of some characters. I was kinda upset when Rindou 'died', but, I guess he's not. The last episode was extremely entertaining.
BurnsyCEO said:
Do you agree with my review of it?

Well, surprisingly, I agree to everything you said in your review. The only additional flaw I have is with the facial expressions. For some reason, the reactions that appear on our characters almost always seem kind of weird.
I didn't know they got a review for god eater.
i liked god eater and wish someday it would get a second season and the animation is breathtaking
i liked this anime and i will follow the anime, if it gets any sequel for it. i wonder how they can deal with such a big monster they saw at the end. i can't even imagine it