Gangsta. !! Review + recommendation + say whatever ya want ^^

Nice review you have there minj. I don't know any anime with that name for a character.
I am going to add gangsta to my list. I have never heard of this anime until now and by the looks of your review, it looks good.
Saber said:
Then I will watch it soon.
I can't believe that you were impressed by an anime with just 12 episodes. I thought it would take more than 25 episodes for an anime to make an impression.

Wrong thread.... This is from the anime thread 'Erased'......
MadaraUchiha said:
Wrong thread.... This is from the anime thread 'Erased'......

I lost you there.
Aren't we talking about just anime in general, just there?

Minj369 said:
Well i do go into the small details and i find deep meanings in a lot of things, i tend to get to the bottom of everything i find interesting and new...
but you do realise, this is only my taste right? don't blame me if you won't like it. ^^

It's fine. I am like that.
I watch anime, which seems interesting.
I will watch it soon and let you know my opinion on this anime.
Saber said:
I lost you there.
Aren't we talking about just anime in general, just there?

It's fine. I am like that.
I watch anime, which seems interesting.
I will watch it soon and let you know my opinion on this anime.

It would my pleasure to hear your opinion even of you won't like it ^^
Minj369 said:
It would my pleasure to hear your opinion even of you won't like it ^^

I am glad to hear that.
Not many people would want to hear about others opinions when they don't match their own opinions, of an anime.

It'll be a boring world if everyone was exactly like me... i'd have no one to argue with lol or i would stay completely self absorbed in my "perfect" personality lol and... i learn a lot from people and i think it goes the other way around. Hell i would listen to anyone that has a healthy mind and logic.
Saber said:
I lost you there.
Aren't we talking about just anime in general, just there?

It's fine. I am like that.
I watch anime, which seems interesting.
I will watch it soon and let you know my opinion on this anime.

You replied to this post of mine:"[font='Source Sans Pro', Tahoma, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif]The anime started well, but became predictable after a few episodes, and the main twist in the series was just really predictable, and the climax was not up to the mark...... Overall, it was a decent series.....".....[/font]

MadaraUchiha said:
You replied to this post of mine:"

but most of the people have same tastes my lady xD
that's why mal is that popular.
Sebastian said:
i didn't get this entire thread.
is there an anime named erased?

but most of the people have same tastes my lady xD
that's why mal is that popular.

That is not true sebastian dear, a site has nothing to do with taste. A site is a site, you can choose to use it or not, but an anime is about taste, if you chiose to watch it it's because you like it, and if not then you just don't watch it
Minj369 said:
That is not true sebastian dear, a site has nothing to do with taste. A site is a site, you can choose to use it or not, but an anime is about taste, if you chiose to watch it it's because you like it, and if not then you just don't watch it

got it my lady xD
you recommend this anime for normal peeps who don't like gore too my lady?
Sebastian said:
got it my lady xD
you recommend this anime for normal peeps who don't like gore too my lady?

No, but i do try my best to ruin peoples positive way of thinking XD jk jk
I always make sure if they can deal with gore or not. Some people just won't be able to deal with some scenes there so my review is for the people who actually look for that kind of show, i'm not hiding the fact that it's gorey
Minj369 said:
No, but i do try my best to ruin peoples positive way of thinking XD jk jk
I always make sure if they can deal with gore or not. Some people just won't be able to deal with some scenes there so my review is for the people who actually look for that kind of show, i'm not hiding the fact that it's gorey

alright my lady xD
i am adding this to my soon-to-watch list.
i will watch it very soon.
Minj369 said:

now, you are just teasing me my lady x(
so, what did you like about this anime my lady?
i never heard anything good about this anime.

then i was completely of my mind my lady xD
late night thing is the cause of it xD
i am not getting enough sleep for the past three days my lady x(
Sebastian said:
then i was completely of my mind my lady xD
late night thing is the cause of it xD
i am not getting enough sleep for the past three days my lady x(

well, take a small break dear.
it's not good not to sleep.
Minj369 said:
well, take a small break dear.
it's not good not to sleep.

but i can't sleep and i can't shut my mind down.
think watching anime would be good my lady?