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Davis said:
no due to the reason that it does it automatically.

i don't think i have been to it, but i remember it being put on the site.

or maybe the announcement

I can give you link to that, if you want. I don't want to get "don't stick your nose where doesn't belong speech again."
So, let me know if you want.

MelloLily said:
Have you tried re-sizing the image?

I asked you not to use me as examples.

That's not an example.
he meant to quote you but he couldn't. So, I did that for him. Are you angry at me mel?
Nel said:
I can give you link to that, if you want. I don't want to get "don't stick your nose where doesn't belong speech again."
So, let me know if you want.

yeah cause i couldn't find where to post, if i decide to do that.
Kaynil said:
That is a bit bummer. Hopefully we can at least figure out what might make it not work.
I was thinking that maybe we're not allowed to tag more than three people in one post. Maybe that is why the third tag for MadaraUchiha ( didn't work with Davis but worked with Testaccount.

That's interesting.
May be that is the right theory :D
But I have tagged more than five people in a post.
Davis said:
no due to the reason that it does it automatically.

i don't think i have been to it, but i remember it being put on the site.

or maybe the announcement

both my signature and avatar are custom made bro xD
my signature is made by @BurnsyCEO and avatar by @Ace xD
i will look at that thread now xD
Sebastian said:
both my signature and avatar are custom made bro xD
my signature is made by @BurnsyCEO and avatar by @Ace xD
i will look at that thread now xD

oh i haven't posted it yet, im just considering it, i want to practice which i can do anyway, but then i will all this stuff just laying around on my PC, might make stuff post it and anyone that wants it can just take it.

Nel said:
That's the shop:
It looks great if you ask me. What do you think?

i was referring to the link to where i can post art etc, but i found it xD
Davis said:
oh i haven't posted it yet, im just considering it, i want to practice which i can do anyway, but then i will all this stuff just laying around on my PC, might make stuff post it and anyone that wants it can just take it.

i was referring to the link to where i can post art etc, but i found it xD

cool bro xD
i can't wait to see more of the graphics stuff.
ace posts his works and they are cool and you are awesome too.
those images are total eye-candies.
Sebastian said:
cool bro xD
i can't wait to see more of the graphics stuff.
ace posts his works and they are cool and you are awesome too.
those images are total eye-candies.

Thanks man, i will make something, maybe tomorrow
Sebastian said:
thanks man xD
i love your avatar.
who is that again?

np i will make stuff if i have time/

thanks fam, its Ban from seven deadly sins, if you haven't seen it watch it. i loved it xD
Davis said:
oh i haven't posted it yet, im just considering it, i want to practice which i can do anyway, but then i will all this stuff just laying around on my PC, might make stuff post it and anyone that wants it can just take it.

i was referring to the link to where i can post art etc, but i found it xD

Glad to know that.
Are you so into art? You made a signature for sebastian. What about me?
Nel said:
Glad to know that.
Are you so into art? You made a signature for sebastian. What about me?

well not really i just kinda learnt it, i wanted to make stuff for myself instead of getting people to do it.

apart from anime im not really into any other types of art.

i do care about the animation of a show for example if its bad i wont watch it.

most are fine though.

well he asked me to make one for him.... so im guessing you want one too ?

can you post what you want in the GFX shop thread cause i have like another 2 to do... otherwise i will forget.
and i will post it there when its done ^_^
MelloLily said:
I can view the notifications on my end fine, can you send a snapshot of how it is disrupting your account?

Can you see it in my attachment? Its difficult to press those buttons and most of the time, I am getting logged out.


  • Capture.PNG
    45.3 KB · Views: 1
Testaccount said:
Can you see it in my attachment? Its difficult to press those buttons and most of the time, I am getting logged out.

its probably due to the original size of the image which the forum scales down anyway but looks like it didn't do a great job.

you can either re size the pic or do what i do, i just go to the settings and then view alerts through there
Davis said:
its probably due to the original size of the image which the forum scales down anyway but looks like it didn't do a great job.

you can either re size the pic or do what i do, i just go to the settings and then view alerts through there

Re-sizing the image?
I had to re-size the damn thing a lot before I could upload that and now, i need to cut that down?
It's impossible for a troll like me.
Testaccount said:
Re-sizing the image?
I had to re-size the damn thing a lot before I could upload that and now, i need to cut that down?
It's impossible for a troll like me.

But it is annoying to pay attention and click the one point, that works. It is re-directing me to my profile or logging me out.
Testaccount said:
But it is annoying to pay attention and click the one point, that works. It is re-directing me to my profile or logging me out.

you would normally have to refresh to check alerts anyway and clicking on the settings option is just as quick, i have already got use to it, i can click on the alerts but i cant see if i have any, but they will obviously show up once i click alerts, it really doesn't bother me.
Davis said:
you would normally have to refresh to check alerts anyway and clicking on the settings option is just as quick, i have already got use to it, i can click on the alerts but i cant see if i have any, but they will obviously show up once i click alerts, it really doesn't bother me.

This is not fair.
A troll can get annoyed too. Seeing the alerts huge number explain the popularity of mine, in this forum.
Can we do something other than resizing? How about using less file size for the image.
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