Final statistics thread

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we made it yesterday.
but today will be another hard day. i don't see anyone. i just need someone who could talk to me for an hour a day.
i won't ask more
Star_Of_Hope said:
Let me see if I get this right.
Monday - 234
Tuesday - 173
Wednesday - 209
Those are the post counts so far.

Well surplus at Monday can be use to compensate the lacking on Tuesday
Poseidon said:
Hello Rose, busy with what?

I do have a life you know XD lol
Well not really but I have kids and had a little part time job for a bit so was a bit busy
Nice pic that you?
Blackrose said:
I do have a life you know XD lol
Well not really but I have kids and had a little part time job for a bit so was a bit busy
Nice pic that you?

Kids are number one of course
Yes me haha.. thanks
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