Final statistics thread V2.0

Rinko said:
You wouldn't know anything about the story from the threads.
I am afraid Star would think of them as spam posts.

Don't worry, my replies would be relevant to the topic (i'll try Haha..)

Stagnant again after sugoi..
That's true man
I have been here before at this time and it used to be very active but now, I don't see many people here
That doesn't sound too good man
Without restrictions, virus would spread a lot and it's not going to be easy to get everyone and everything back on track
Thank you and I will do that
But I don't think it's going to make any change. If they lift all the restrictions, then everyone will be exposed in one way or the other
That's not going to happen anytime soon
I don't see anyone succeeding in that, in the next few months. It's going to take a while
That's to be expected man
Medicine is given based on the individual analysis. I never would have expected such a disaster