Final statistics thread V2.0

Grey_Fox said:
For me.. because it's ongoing, i don't like to watch something that isn't finished

I am sorry to hear that
Most of the ongoing series have hype and you should check them out.
What do you mean by that?
You should drop by more and then you will be able to find people online at the same time.
I am alright
It's the new normal and we should get used to it. They will find a cure soon. I just know it.
I feel the same too
Doctors and researchers are working too hard and the death toll had been increasing.
No one wants that.
Don't worry and try to maintain the social distancing and everything will be back to normal.
That would certainly make me happy man.
I can't get cooped up this way and I am afraid of getting caught by this virus.
Don't think about it too much.
Everything will be fine and the medicine will be out within the next 3 months.