Final statistics thread V2.0

Well, finally we are about to get the 150 count as well
If we win this competition, we should do something to celebrate I suppose
[quote="Grey_Fox" pid='191403' dateline='1586336444']

I want Clara to write a victory speech Haha..

That would certainly work
I wonder if she can even write a 100 words about that :D
Grey_Fox said:
I mean.. after sugoi you girls always offline and rarely talk anymore

That's certainly true
I will try to not to do that :D. It's just that, these posts don't get counted and I should change that view
Grey_Fox said:
Hehe.. i mean, it's not about post count but more like building moods and community

Yes that's right
I suppose we lost that sense along the way and it's all about meeting the goals now :(
[quote="Grey_Fox" pid='191463' dateline='1586347735']

And i think we should more aggresively tag some people that we think interested in a thread, or tag people that you want to hear their opinion about some topics. The thing is.. not all people are talkative, so you must pull them out, be active to get them join the conversation, we must stimulate them to talk and join in the chat. That's what i thought

Well, that's certainly true
But tagging people can make them feel bad and they might get annoyed by it as well
Star_Of_Hope said:
Well, that's certainly true
But tagging people can make them feel bad and they might get annoyed by it as well

Why people feel bad? I mean.. we tag them because we want to hear their opinion on a topic, that shows we interested in hearing things from them and we show interest in communicating with them, i think.. it's better than let them be just like that, it feels like we're ignoring them
Grey_Fox said:
Why people feel bad? I mean.. we tag them because we want to hear their opinion on a topic, that shows we interested in hearing things from them and we show interest in communicating with them, i think.. it's better than let them be just like that, it feels like we're ignoring them

They might feel that, people are tagging them because they don't pay enough attention
So, it's better to not to tag them always.
[quote="Grey_Fox" pid='191471' dateline='1586359230']

Okay up to you, it just an idea, i thought that community building is something that must be nurtured and directed, not by leave them be as it is

There were a few concerns raised with respect to tagging before
I don't want something like that to happen again.