No. It is literally impossible to "sexualize" an anime character. Anime characters are objects. They are drawings. They are not real human beings. You cannot sexualize an object. That is a fact.
Furthermore, Ecchi is one of the most popular genres, and people love fanservice. If anything, female characters aren't "sexualized" enough these days. There is basically zero fanservice in anime these days aside from in the few Ecchi anime that come out. It used to be that almost every anime had at least some fanservice but now days 99% of anime have zero fanservice.
Lastly, why ask this question about female characters only? You act as if only female characters are shown naked when that isn't anywhere close to true. Male characters are "sexualized" as well and in fact while the amount of fanservice has drastically decreased by almost 100%, the amount of manservice has stayed the same or even increased a bit in recent years yet I never see anyone mention it. Hypocrites.