Do you feel old?


V.I.P. Member
A stupid question man but just for fun. Do you feel old when looking at teenagers ? I have been feeling this way for the last 2-3 years
I don't usually answer to generic questions such as this but let me just entertain myself this time. I do feel old and things change when you grow old and you need to feel comfortable with being called uncle and old man after that.
Do I feel old when looking at teenagers in general? No. When looking at teenagers or young adults that I saw born and cared for as children getting their own place, having kids, or getting married. Then yes I often feel old wondering where did the time go.
Yes, when I look at people younger than me now say in their teens and such I do feel old. So much has changed over the years and even though I am only 36 years old seeing some of the teenagers nowadays and how much things have changed does make me feel old.