Discussion about violence, uh...sexual content...rape

I don't watch Echi, but, I wouldn't mind discussing violence, sexual assault, rape, etc. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. My suggestion: a 'NSFW' tag can be added to the thread.
You forgot about me my lady. I don't mind that content in the least
I don't think "rape" is a genre O.o There are quite a few good movies and such with scenes of explicit or implied sexual violence, but that is hardly a problem when discussing them. I mean, stuff like that is usually not the subject of a story.

Anyway, I agree with Madara, use tags when the content is not family-friendly. I think we should never ban anything as long as there is no clear need to do so.
I don't think banning it completely is a cool thing. I don't think anyone ever really felt uncomfortable reading something. So, why not just allow it as dd a tag to it to warn the users about it?