Chatango Chatbox!

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Gray Fullbuster said:
I know many forums who uses that to prevent spamm in the sections heh.

Well, we are not that big and only people who might spam are the cray butler @Sebastian or the self-proclaimed rival @Burnsy CEO's rival or the known spam account @Testaccount and so far, everything is good.

But in the future we will consider it.
Personally, do you think our forum needs one?
Please answer this question honestly and after taking a thorough look at our forum :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
Well, we are not that big and only people who might spam are the cray butler @Sebastian or the self-proclaimed rival @Burnsy CEO's rival or the known spam account @Testaccount and so far, everything is good.

But in the future we will consider it.
Personally, do you think our forum needs one?
Please answer this question honestly and after taking a thorough look at our forum :D

Well, get it if the forum gets bigger ^^
Gray?Fullbuster said:
Well, get it if the forum gets bigger ^^
I don't see how it could get bigger than this. My forum is not as active as AnimeMangaForum, but still has a chat room.
alakazam said:
I don't see how it could get bigger than this. My forum is not as active as AnimeMangaForum, but still has a chat room.

It can get big and active when we attract even more members alakazam :D
Someday, we want to be the best anime and manga forum out there :D
Chatango is like a killer poison for a forum.
It reduces the number of posts and threads and thereby decreasing the activity of the forum.
alakazam said:
I don't see how it could get bigger than this. My forum is not as active as AnimeMangaForum, but still has a chat room.

Me too.
I want to be a full-fledged troll too.
alakazam said:
Being a troll is just not what it used to be anymore...

I don't think so anymore.
If you were jealous you wouldn't have cared about this theme.

I am sorry. Your username stands out even more than the administrators and moderators.
Do you have special permissions too?
Star_Of_Hope said:
Well, we are not that big and only people who might spam are the cray butler @Sebastian or the self-proclaimed rival @Burnsy CEO's rival or the known spam account @Testaccount and so far, everything is good.

But in the future we will consider it.
Personally, do you think our forum needs one?
Please answer this question honestly and after taking a thorough look at our forum :D

My lady x(
i want to kill myself now.
i am not a troll
Agreed! I have used chatango as well, lol annons were really played around with all the time
Servo said:
Agreed! I have used chatango as well, lol annons were really played around with all the time

We don't need one unless you are a troll like me.
It will kill a forum.
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