Change yourself! if you can.....

Star_Of_Hope said:
So, by some weird chance, if you ever get to change yourself, what would you do?

Changing implies to almost anything and also every aspect of your life. You can change your choices, you can change your life style, you can change practically everything.
As for me, I might not be able to make a choice. Because this is me that resulted from all those situations and circumstances. So, I would rather be me.

So now, let's hear your choice :D

I would change my height.....i want to be at least 5'6

Clara is just 149 cms.
She looks like a kid :D
Still, that makes her even more defensive at times.
So, just accept it, Mina.
You are a great girl.
I can feel that :D
I would honestly never change myself, even though some days are bad and you may regret certain situation you should be proud of who you are and you wouldn't be yourself if you didn't go through what you have. For me life right now is good, so I see nothing to change. Everyone is perfect in their own little way.