Bioware casually announces a new mass effect game.


V.I.P. Member

@MadaraUchiha  What do you think? I'm not getting my hopes up after what Andromeda was. And when EA is still there pushing the PC culture and it's soulless money making agenda I don't see things really changing.
Andromeda was still a playable game and I think it will be worth a pirate at best from me.
They say "veteran developers" but DA Inquisition, Andromeda and Anthem had severe crunch, only one of them was successful and most people left. So I don't really think much of the original ME team is left.

I'm probably gonna get the Legendary edition if they iron out a lot of the jank present in ME1 which I think is pretty outdated, sort of like AC1 and Uncharted 1.

I don't have much hopes for the new one but if they start from scratch I'll keep my eye on it. It's not the old Bioware anymore though.

I think ME can work even with a new team of devs I don't think it's that hard to make a good story out of it, they have the whole galaxy as their oyester. It's just that they need the space to flex their imagination and not be constrained by a publisher too afraid to take risks.