Average statistics! cool!


Well-known member
Posts: 174,971
Threads: 30,823
Members: 406 Posts per day: 80.03
Threads per day: 14.1
Members per day: 0.19
Posts per member: 430.96
Threads per member: 75.92
Replies per thread: 4.68
Newest Member: Kelinsops
Members who have posted: 99.51%
Today's top poster: White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain (96 posts)
Most popular forum: Anime Discussions (29,853 posts, 2,309 threads)

we got to manage the statistics to 80 now. isn't that cool?
[quote="White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain" pid='200605' dateline='1590585500']

I want to reach June goal Haha.. 
You got some notifs from me for this

It's going to be fine.
Even if you ignore today's inactivity, we have already made so much progress.
By the way, please don't post in Shonen ai section, only to increase the post count and for June's goal. I will help you out to reach the goal as well :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
It's going to be fine.
Even if you ignore today's inactivity, we have already made so much progress.
By the way, please don't post in Shonen ai section, only to increase the post count and for June's goal. I will help you out to reach the goal as well :D
[quote="White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain" pid='200614' dateline='1590585834']

Really? But i capable to engage in appropriate conversation regarding the series. But if you said so then nothing i can do about it

that's sad.
it's just like giving review comments about a movie without watching it whitey. but i enjoyed talking to you.
[quote="White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain" pid='200622' dateline='1590586219']

Talking. That's the keyword here, i mostly talk here not because of post count but i want to know each one of you better. But well.. i'm okay with Hope, if she say no then no

If you truly believe your posts will add something to the thread and it's content, then I don't have any objection. I thought you were just worried about the post count and the goal.
Star_Of_Hope said:
If you truly believe your posts will add something to the thread and it's content, then I don't have any objection. I thought you were just worried about the post count and the goal.

Um.. i always encourage people to keep talking even if we already sugoi, how can i not true to my own words Haha.. don't worry Hope, even if i want to reach the goal i prioritize to nurturing the community, that's more inportant. Heyyy we were talk about this before remember Haha..
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Um.. i always encourage people to keep talking even if we already sugoi, how can i not true to my own words Haha.. don't worry Hope, even if i want to reach the goal i prioritize to nurturing the community, that's more inportant. Heyyy we were talk about this before remember Haha..

That's great.
I do remember that now. Most of the time, I usually take a break after meeting the goal :D