Average posts per day - 86

gemxtria said:
Might try get my sister into it when she's older. I don't want her seeing anime boobs or gory killings just yet

lol that's one way to put it
but you can give her death note first and if she likes it, then you can give more
Blackangel said:
lol that's one way to put it
but you can give her death note first and if she likes it, then you can give more
I might try see her over christmas and buy her a deathnote dvd
Do you think we can get another 15 more posts today?
I hope we do to cover some of the slack and 15 isn't a very big number to begin with
gemxtria said:
We should get 15 easy. i haven't even checked if we already have haha!

i think we got them lol
and we should aim for getting extra 15 daily and we can cover the slack easily
[quote="gemxtria" pid='231177' dateline='1607592918']
How much do we have to do for you to get it

we need another 3000 posts
208400 needs to be the global post count and we have 205400 already. we have 20 more days for those 3000 posts
[quote="gemxtria" pid='231191' dateline='1607593252']
Before the year end? It'd be hard

yes before the year end
yes it will be hard but i still hope we can get them somehow.