At what age did you start?

I'd say around 16, maybe 15. I had watched some in TV before that, but it was very occasional and I wasn't really even following any series, just watching what was being thrown at me.
I don't really remember, I think I was 9-10 years old.
My older brother introduced me to it I think the first anime I watched was Death Note, but can't really remember.
I started around 30 when I was watching some with my kids, because I was always worried what they put in those shows nowadays. I noticed some of the cartoons seemed very dramatic and very well written with science fiction and fantasy tones. I had never seen anything like it before so started looking around online and discovered anime. I have watched it now and then ever since. I swear most of them would make great live action shows, or movies.
why is this asked at every forum? i don't remember the age and i was a kid and now it seem like a lifetime ago. may be when i am around 10 years old give or take.