am i the only one who thinks this is funny?Maybe you should look at something else besides that, as you’re clearly not searching in the right places. This stuff isn’t hidden, and you’re ignoring where I’m talking about all of these anime that air every season that you’re either oblivious to searching, or refusing to look up.
It’s much easier to keep your head in the rock and go “lalala this doesn’t exist, you don’t know what you’re talking about, lalala”. I also called you out for only looking at the first links on Google and you’re admitting that’s the only work you did. You’re admitting that you’re too lazy to actually try anything else. Put some actual work into trying to prove me wrong instead of crying about it and pretending like I don’t know what I’m talking about with your head under a rock.
It’s pretty sad that I’m watching the second season of a show that’s currently airing that features not one, but two overpowered female characters steamrolling everything, and the lead girl gets more OP with new abilities every battle, and it’s a very popular show, but since you’ve never heard of it, it’s obviously the most obscure thing to ever exist.
you told me that i don't search before making threads and i told you i googled it
you told me i don't see even the first 3 results of the search and i showed that i did
now you are saying i don't search enough. and the point of me making these threads is to get to know the names in case i missed any. so if you want to name them i would be grateful if not, that's also fine.
and i never said we are not getting any that fits my criteria . all i said was, there weren't enough for me. and no i don't actually like magical girls and just physically or just mentally strong characters.
i am being picky but after watching battle shounen characters my expectations are indeed high. and i did mention that if you find some characters strong that doesn't necessarily mean i find them strong like you. i want them to be as powerful as luffy or naruto and the strong revolves only around them. so even now, i can't agree with your analysis of me not looking enough before making threads