Anime teaches a lot about Oda Nobunaga


Well-known member
Granted its done in its own way, but you'll find a lot of animes depicting one of Japan's biggest leaders, Oda Nobunaga.

Anyone watch an anime based around him (or pending on the anime, her)?
I might have heard of him. The name is familiar to me but I don't remember the anime name. Not even the situation that involved oda nobunaga
Star_Of_Hope said:
I might have heard of him. The name is familiar to me but I don't remember the anime name. Not even the situation that involved oda nobunaga

he (or she pending on the anime service), is featured a lot in different animes. To the point its easy to overlook him or just simply not recognize him.
i remember him being mentioned in drifters too.
but i don't think much of him. i should probably know and search before talking