Anime Review #1 :""Lucky?Star"


Staff member
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Lucky Star[/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Lucky Star is a show made in 2007 by famous Kyoto Animation studio, and it is telling a story about four friends, high school girls that are going through their three last years of school. The anime is filled with scenes from their everyday lives, from school festivals to summer vocations, from New Year activities to copying homework, buying food at cafeteria and having part-time jobs.

So as you can see, for my first review on NBF I decided to pick on of the least controversial series out of what I have watched. Well, what I mean is, this anime doesn't contain gore, violence or adult material. There is no shooting, no fighting, no cursing. People don't go around doing crazy thing, they don't get mistreated or hurt. And you would think there is no way a show like that can make anyone mad or unhappy. But alas, it does, and in fact people are arguing about this show ever since it has been aired.

And why is it causing all those arguments you may ask? well, I've listed the reasons above. Think about it, the show have nothing that people usually find entertaining. There is nothing but mundane things that you experience everyday, so why would you watch it? Many people got bored with this show and dropped it after the first episode. But again you may ask, what is there to argue about? If the show is boring, why people even bother to talk about it?

And the answer is simple. Because there are thousands of people who love this show. Lucky Star is one of the most famous anime of the last decade. What people like about this show? I would say - characters. And I here have to tell you a little about them. First and the most memorable one is Konata, a girls with very long blue hair, obsessed with games and anime. Being smart and good at sports she never employs her talents and study only when she absolutely have too. Her good friend is Kagami, a hardworking and ambitious student with good manners yet quick temper. Kagami's younger sister is Tsukasa. Tsukasa can sleep for 14 hours a day and do nothing while she is awake, she can be easily distracted and you can guess she is not doing well at school. On the other hand she is a really kind and caring person. And the last one is Miyuki, who is, to put it frankly, is more or less a side character. And the fun part of the show is seeing them slowly developing and revealing their personalities, seeing how they deal with the same situations you are used to deal with all the time (or have been used to deal with, if you've finished high school).

So I have been talking for a long time, and it is time for me to say whether or not I recommend you this anime. And I don't know what to say =) If you like Slice of life genre then definitely yes, watch it. If you hate the genre - then don't. But if you are neutral, then you will have to watch the first episode and see. If you like any of the characters, then chances are you'll like the series. If you don't, then feel free to drop it.

Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

He is also a user in this forum.
Also, it was a review posted in NBF. I moved them here for safe keeping :D
@Sindar , everyone is looking for your comment about this :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

He is also a user in this forum.
Also, it was a review posted in NBF. I moved them here for safe keeping :D
@Sindar , everyone is looking for your comment about this :D

What is NBF? I would like to see Sindar around here more. He seems like a good reviewer. :D
alakazam said:
Star_Of_Hope said:
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

He is also a user in this forum.
Also, it was a review posted in NBF. I moved them here for safe keeping :D
@Sindar , everyone is looking for your comment about this :D

What is NBF? I would like to see Sindar around here more. He seems like a good reviewer. :D
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

Its me ^^/ Thank you! I forgot about the review, that's why I didn't move it myself. Glad Star of Hope did =)

Star_Of_Hope said:
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

He is also a user in this forum.
Also, it was a review posted in NBF. I moved them here for safe keeping :D
@Sindar , everyone is looking for your comment about this :D
Sebastian said:
@Sindar made such a cool review?
he got so many hidden talents xD

Thanks :D
Sindar said:
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

Its me ^^/ Thank you! I forgot about the review, that's why I didn't move it myself. Glad Star of Hope did =)

Star_Of_Hope said:
alakazam said:
Who is Sindar and why didn't he post the review himself? It was pretty well-written...

He is also a user in this forum.
Also, it was a review posted in NBF. I moved them here for safe keeping :D
@Sindar , everyone is looking for your comment about this :D
Sebastian said:
@Sindar made such a cool review?
he got so many hidden talents xD

Thanks :D

You make really good reviews Sindar :D
don't turn your attention like that my man x(
i am hurt x(
Deadlyfear said:
@Sindar you should post this in the new blog.
it's good and long

No point to set up an account for just one post =)

Testaccount said:
alakazam said:
Deadlyfear said:
@Sindar you should post this in the new blog.
it's good and long

He didn't even post it in a thread... :hahaha:

Then from where did it appear?
Why don't we just post in the blog?

It was re-posted from an older webforum where we used to post our reviews.

Main Characters (Names are clickable) :
Izumi, Konata
Kagami, Hiiragi
Tsukasa, Hiiragi
Takara, Miyuki

About :
Lucky Star tells us about problems and a funny relationship from 4 young girls.

Story :
No story included

Analysis :
[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Let's begin with the opening. The fact that you understand "I buy Sausage" makes it creepy. Aswell the content of the opening song is questionable and an WTF moment. The opening video itself seems quite nice. Anyways, lets get to the begin of the first episode : You see an scene with am blue haired girl which is smaller but faster then anybody. Then in the next scene you see 2 girls, again the blue haired and a friend a guess. They started talking about how to eat an chococrossaint. Okay..... erm what the fuck? Anyways, first world problems i guess...... some other girl comes into the scene and teaches the blue haired one how to eat an Crossaint properly. Then the blue haired girl keeps asking her how to eat special food types... 8 Minutes along like WHAT THE HELL? Anyways, i stopped the video right here. [/font]

Episodes: 24
Status: Finished Airing
Aired:Producers:Genres: , School
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or olde
(Source :

Theme: "Motteke! Sailor Fuku!"

Feedback :
[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]After all the Anime seems cute drawn and funny contented. I am recommend it to everyone who is satisfied enough with Mainstream animes like SAO and stuff. The characters itself have an own, different characterism.[/font]
