Anime characters who are very innocent but not kids


V.I.P. Member
Do you think there are any anime characters like that man?
I am not talking about kids here but adults
BurnsyCEO said:
I can't even think of 1 even looking at my anime list.

Cool man.
I would be more worried if you find a character like that because I am already losing this debate with my friend.
MadaraUchiha said:
Lots of characters in slice of life anime are examples. Nagisa comes to mind and her mother Sanae as well.

She is a fool man.
There is a difference and it gets annoying too. I am talking about someone like Castiel at first, from supernatural TV series
Nameless said:
She is a fool man.
There is a difference and it gets annoying too. I am talking about someone like Castiel at first, from supernatural TV series

If you are an adult and you are still innocent you are a fool.
MadaraUchiha said:
If you are an adult and you are still innocent you are a fool.

i agree with this.
isn't nagisa just dumb? she doesn't know how to do her own work and needs her sister. she is an epitome of dumbass
MadaraUchiha said:
If you are an adult and you are still innocent you are a fool.

That's a cool statement man.
But if you are getting a different prefecture and you wouldn't know the custom, then it's innocence but not foolishness