AMF lounge v2.0

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That's right and I haven't seen anyone for a long time now.
Usually it's just me checking my alerts and try to post some threads, before I start my day for good
I got it man.
It is not at all easy to come up with new threads and yet you are trying a lot for activity
Well, only good anime threads can get us more activity.
People here wouldn't post any threads at all, as far as I know and the post count is still, not bad
My thread count is bad too
Yet I try to post a few threads as well man. It's just just easy and I don't want to post duplicate threads
That's not going to be easy man
I will try to post some as well, but it's just too hard to come up with new topic ideas and we don't want any echi topics too
That's good man
At least you could create one N$FW section here and we could discuss them, in that section
You are right man
Don't you think we would attract more people of we try to get more topics that are appealing to teen-agers?
I am not sure what you are getting at.
We have made this decision based on the poll results before. I am sure people still feel the same
Things change man.
People can change a lot too and if you post a poll now, you will be surprised with the result. I am sure of it
Thank you for considering, Star.
Will you really make one based on the poll results? I don't think you can access it
I will try to deal with that on my own.
Also, if people really would like one, then access will be given based on the age only
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