AMF lounge v2.0

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White_Tiger said:
She isn't right, as she told you she was very sick but she did came yesterday. How about you? You've been MIA for a while lol

Just one of my depression episodes.
I disappear for a while to get myself together and I appear again
White_Tiger said:
You'll be okay in no time
So.. read or watch something interesting lately?

Nothing much.
Just me lazing around all day. I don't usually watch or read anything unless people urge me.
White_Tiger said:
Hm.. manga. Want to try Niji Iro Togarashi? It's light and fun

How many chapters does it contain?
If it's longer than 60 chapters then I am usually boot interested in such series
White_Tiger said:
37 chapters
That's good
I will be adding it to my pending list
Blackangel said:
i got ignored?
i can't believe this lol. as long as you talk, i am still happy.
I haven't ignored you and I already have reply to you, in another thread
I used recount and rebuild
That gave us like 6 posts to the global statistics. Good luck and keep up the good work everyone!
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