AMF lounge v2.0

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gemxtria said:
She'll see sense eventually and then she'll realise she needs you

thank you
and i hope for that day to be here soon. and she is just so close to me and i consider the world to her
Blackangel said:
to be honest, she moved
and i am not sure that's how it was for me. she doesn't want contact with me.
Ah that's a shame so you can't even just randomly turn up at her place
gemxtria said:
Ah that's a shame so you can't even just randomly turn up at her place

i think i did it before
and that's why she moved it's a pity. i really should have controlled myself. and i never wanted her to get hurt
Blackangel said:
i think i did it before
and that's why she moved it's a pity. i really should have controlled myself. and i never wanted her to get hurt
It's natural. You'd want to check she's okay
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