AMF lounge v1.0

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Gotta admit that is an overwhelming number. Haha.

So we owe 140 posts from yesterday?

how many do we need just for the daily goal today?
Kaynil said:
Gotta admit that is an overwhelming number. Haha.

So we owe 140 posts from yesterday?

how many do we need just for the daily goal today?
today we need 235 posts to cover a little of yesterday's slack
not sure we can even meet our daily 200 goal.
Blackangel said:
we made a great comeback for that slack, last weekend, kaynil
but this week it's bad. we only made 60 posts yesterday and today is bad too. not sure what to expect tomorrow at this rate. we have too much to cover now.
[quote="Kaynil" pid='214541' dateline='1598359328']
I'm not working tomorrow (unless they call me in) so I can visit to help with some posting.

that's cool kaynil
i am going to recommend you for cool color but you already have a cool color for yourself.
[quote="Kaynil" pid='214543' dateline='1598359427']
Oh,  dear.  That's almost as if we hadn't started today.  It is past my bed time but I can try posting a bit before I go tonight to lessen that number.

yeah that's right
it's really bad that we are going very slow and i am not even sure how we can meet today's goal.
Well we will have to work a little hard this week.
We missed two days goal including today and I don't think it's going to be easy but let's push forward
[quote="Kaynil" pid='214556' dateline='1598361352']
Definitely not easy,  but maybe re diable than the first amiunt,  haha. 

So ling we can keep posting at least the dailies and then we can try to pour 50 extras or more each day  to keep closing that gap.

We can't do much today. I don't think we will be some to get even 150 today. Let's try to get some more posts tomorrow :D
Sounds like a plan.
I think I'm taking my leave for now.
I'll catch with youguys,  once I'm awake again.

[quote="Kaynil" pid='214561' dateline='1598362069']
Sounds like a plan.
I think I'm taking my leave for now.
I'll catch with youguys,  once I'm awake again.


cool kaynil
i will still be here and i think i will try to hit today's goal first.
Looks like we will have to accept that we won't be able to meet today's goal.
It's easy part our active hours. I don't see Kaname or Rinko around.
White_Tiger said:
We all work hard top make you happy
i feel happy lol.
Blackrose said:
Sorry hun..really really sorry. I wasn't feeling so great today so I couldn't make it..will see what I can do now :)

i missed you sweetheart
and i was hoping all of us would be here at the same time and can generate some activity.
Looks like this is as far as we can go today.
I don't like this week anymore. We have too much slack again and I don't think it's going to be easy to cover that
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