Almost on 200,000 posts!

gemxtria said:
I'll try do some. I just need to watch more

that's cool
and people here including me are lazy about long posts in reviews lol. that's why we don't have them here much
[quote="gemxtria" pid='225142' dateline='1604402838']
I try not to swear but in person it's like it's normal for me

that's cool and here it is alienated
and i am sure there aren't many people who swear now
gemxtria said:
Swear words just appear mid sentence without me even noticing

that's true lol
and yet here we are not allowed to say them but i think it doesn't come under attacking other users lol. so it should be fine
Blackangel said:
that's true lol
and yet here we are not allowed to say them but i think it doesn't come under attacking other users lol. so it should be fine
I'll never shout at another user