Search results

  1. Rika

    Would you watch an anime even if it's too sad?

    If I am impressed with the summary, then I wouldn't mind watching it till the end. I don't really care whether it's sad, as long as the story is intriguing.
  2. Rika

    Prompt removal?

    There should be something wrong with your account or the device. I am not getting any prompt after clearing my cache.
  3. Rika

    What's the use of supporting anime character who can't fight?

    They usually gain power later or they are usually too young to support the protagonists.
  4. Rika

    Is love predicated on how one looks?

    At first that's true. If you stay with that person and even when the person is attractive but if you don't like the habits or personality, you round drift away from them
  5. Rika

    Well, time to update the theme

    I don't really care about the theme but it would be great if I could choose the base colour of the theme.
  6. Rika

    Who is the most sarcastic anime character?

    I could only think of Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay night. There are other characters in that anime who are arrogant to the point of being sarcastic.
  7. Rika

    ‘Naruto’ Live-Action Movie in the Works

    I wonder why people are obsessed with live action even when the animation is successful.
  8. Rika

    Akira Toriyama tribute.

    It's really sad. R.I.P.
  9. Rika

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello and welcome.If you need or have any recommendations feel free to ask and share.
  10. Rika

    Back in India

    Good for you. Enjoy your time with family
  11. Rika

    What was the last album you bought?

    I haven't bought any music recently and I don't remember the last purchase. Spotify spoiled me.
  12. Rika

    What was the last piece of technology you bought?

    That's probably my smart watch. It's nothing much and got it for a bargain in Temu.
  13. Rika

    Dragon Ball Daima

    It was a classic but you shouldn't try to keep on dragging the same anime this way. That's just my thought we will have to wait and see, just how far this anime could go.
  14. Rika

    Do you have any go to anime, to make you feel better?

    I always choose comedy anime to get rid of the gloomy thoughts. Sometimes I watch gintama and sometimes I opt for Dora the explorer or Mickey mouse just to get my mind off of something
  15. Rika

    Shoot your questions!

    If you have to choose between magic or interstellar era to live in, what would you choose?
  16. Rika

    My interview thread after a long time here

    Do you forgive people easily? What is your bottom line when dealing with others?
  17. Rika

    Uploading vs Cybernetic Reincarnating what to do with your afterlife.

    If it's real life one wouldn't gamble with it but if it's a virtual life where nothing actually exists, it shouldn't be too much to ask for
  18. Rika

    Do you think we might have new genres?

    I wouldn't want to see anymore new genres. Yes things could get simple and people can easily search for their desired genre but on the other hand, it's hard to search for similar anime. I am not explaining this very well. Please ignore.
  19. Rika

    Who could be the most indifferent anime character?

    I would want to say Rika Nonaka in my profile but at the end, she might be just a tsundere.
  20. Rika

    Have you ever felt your heart clench while watching an anime fight scene?

    No and if it happened, it's better to check your health first. Only when the emotions get extremely unstable, you notice actual biological disorder and it's not healthy.