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  1. Rika

    Diamond no ace anime episode 1 discussion

    There are just too many and usually I see episodic threads for ongoing anime which gets released every week. They do get replies but as this is a completed anime, episodic threads might not increase the activity here.
  2. Rika

    Diamond no ace anime episode 60 discussion

    I don't remember any of that but I do remember him playing at critical times and the entire team is good at the sport. I will try to watch the anime, to refresh my memory
  3. Rika

    Pick your Devil Fruit

    I would like gomu gomu no mi. I am sure it's not the strongest power but after watching Luffy for so many years, I would like to have that power as well
  4. Rika

    Diamond no ace anime episode 60 discussion

    I don't even remember the names but I remember the protagonist being a pitcher and he tries very hard to fit into the team
  5. Rika

    Diamond no ace anime episode 1 discussion

    There are just too many threads and you are making a thread for every episode and that's quite a lot. I won't be able to remember everything but I will reply to whatever I remember
  6. Rika

    Need a good sports anime

    I will check out the threads and if I remember the story, I will get the discussions going.
  7. Rika


    Thank you and now I know what to expect. I don't mind the perspective but I do want a touching story.
  8. Rika

    Need a good sports anime

    Sorry yes I think they are the same. I don't remember the story much but I do remember some information. I often get confused with the Japanese and English names.
  9. Rika

    Have you ever come across an anime synopsis that spoiled the entire anime?

    Not so far and if it's such a spoiler, I do try to report it first and try to consider my best course of action. If I still want to watch that anime, I will pick it up or I will pick the next one in my list.
  10. Rika

    What do you think about PetalSearch?

    I haven't heard of it and nothing really beats Google and even if it does, most of the time, they disappear after a few months or a few years. Back in the day, even Yahoo was really popular but not so much now.
  11. Rika

    Need a good sports anime

    I watched Ace of diamond sports anime. May be as they sound similar, you both are getting confused. @DarkAngel
  12. Rika


    I watched only two seasons but I do plan to watch the latest seasons soon. Most of the people I know disliked the second season the most, so this is a suprise. I can't wait to see it myself.
  13. Rika

    March 2023 anime group watch recommendations

    Well, if everyone is watching then I might jump on that train. If not,I will probably pick something I can actually complete within 10 days.
  14. Rika

    March 2023 anime group watch recommendations

    I do agree with this. I would like to choose something that we can finish
  15. Rika

    When would you stop considering someone as newbie to anime?

    As long as they know what they are talking about, I don't really care how many anime they watch. They don't have to be accurate all the time as well but they need to be able to understand the core of the anime, without any prejudice.
  16. Rika

    Site battles 2023

    Exposure is good and if people feel that they have something in common with us, then it would make them stay with us.
  17. Rika

    Anime youtube shorts

    This list is accurate
  18. Rika

    Do you celebrate birthdays?

    I feel the same but when I receive the presents from others and when they express how special it is to them just because they have me, in their lives on the specific day, it makes me feel whole again and after thinking about it, I can't honestly say that I hate it.
  19. Rika

    Site battles 2023

    I don't remember battle from before and I haven't been too active. If you feel that this is what you need for more exposure, then go for it.
  20. Rika

    Your current Track?

    Her music is always so relatable